The Seven Tablets - The Clash of the Primordial Gods: The First Tablet of the Enuma Elish

The Seven Tablets - The Clash of the Primordial Gods: The First Tablet of the Enuma Elish

Long before the world as we know it came into being, before the heavens had names and the earth had form, there existed only the vast and restless waters of two primordial beings: Apsû, the god of fresh waters, and Tiamat, the goddess of the salt seas. Together, they swirled in an endless embrace, their chaotic union birthing the first gods into existence.

From them came Lahmu and Lahamu, ancient deities of the deep, followed by Anshar and Kishar, who embodied the horizon of the sky and the land. Generations passed, and from their lineage arose Anu, the lord of the heavens, and Ea (Enki), the god of wisdom and fresh springs. The universe was young, and the gods multiplied, filling the void with their voices and movements.

Apsû’s Wrath and the Plot Against the Young Gods

The ceaseless activity of these youthful deities grew unbearable to Apsû. The once peaceful waters of creation rippled with noise, disrupting his eternal rest. Angered, he turned to his vizier, Mummu, and together they conspired to destroy the young gods and reclaim their tranquil abyss.

But the gods were not without defenders. Ea, the wise, overheard their whisperings and, with his divine cunning, wove a powerful enchantment. He cast a mighty spell that lulled Apsû into sleep and bound Mummu in chains. Then, in a final act of defiance, Ea slew Apsû, ending his rule forever. Upon his vanquished body, Ea established his celestial dwelling, a sanctuary of wisdom and power.

Tiamat’s Fury and the Birth of Monsters

Tiamat, now a widow, seethed with vengeance. The slaying of Apsû enraged her, and she vowed to restore chaos by waging war against the young gods. From the depths of her waters, she spawned terrifying creatures—serpents with poison for blood, mighty dragons, scorpion-men, and storm demons. These horrors, monstrous and untamed, filled the heavens and the seas with dread.

To lead her forces, Tiamat chose Kingu, a warrior god, and placed upon his breast the Tablets of Destiny—sacred seals that gave him absolute power over the cosmos. Under his command, her legions gathered, their fury unrelenting, their strength unmatched.

The Stage is Set for War

With Tiamat’s monstrous army prepared and the heavens trembling, the young gods faced their greatest peril yet. Fear gripped them as they realized the full might of the mother of chaos. Who among them could stand against such wrath?

As the battle loomed, a hero was needed—one who could challenge Tiamat and reshape the fate of the universe.

Thus begins the epic struggle of gods and monsters, the fight between order and chaos, a battle that will forge the world as we know it.