Seven Heavens: Celestial Realms in Occult and Mystical Traditions

Seven Heavens: Celestial Realms in Occult and Mystical Traditions

The concept of the Seven Heavens appears throughout various esoteric traditions and mystical texts—from occult grimoires and Kabbalistic teachings to Islamic cosmology. Each of these seven celestial realms is often associated with specific forces, angelic orders, planetary influences, and spiritual dimensions. In this post, we delve into the intricate details of the Seven Heavens as described in these diverse traditions.

The Seven Heavens represent ascending levels of spiritual and cosmic realms. They are depicted as progressive stages on the path of divine ascent, with each level governed by its own celestial powers and offering unique blessings, insights, and spiritual challenges. Whether used as a framework for meditation, ritual invocation, or symbolic understanding, the Seven Heavens provide a map for connecting with higher states of consciousness.

First Heaven (Shamayim)

  • Associated Planet: Moon (Luna)
  • Angelic Order: Basic angels closely connected to human affairs
  • Purpose:
    • Acts as the bridge between the physical realm and higher celestial energies.
    • Governs dreams, intuition, and the emotional cycles of life.
    • Often invoked for everyday protection and guidance.

Second Heaven (Raquia or Raqia)

  • Associated Planet: Mercury (Hermes)
  • Angelic Order: Archangels
  • Purpose:
    • Symbolizes intellectual illumination and refined communication.
    • Considered the seat of divine messengers and the repository of celestial wisdom.
    • Invoked for clarity, insight, and the acquisition of knowledge.

Third Heaven (Shehaqim or Shahaqim)

  • Associated Planet: Venus (Aphrodite)
  • Angelic Order: Principalities
  • Purpose:
    • Embodies love, harmony, and artistic inspiration.
    • Radiates divine beauty and compassion.
    • Known in some traditions as the source of manna and abundant spiritual blessings.

Fourth Heaven (Machonon or Ma'on)

  • Associated Planet: Sun (Sol)
  • Angelic Order: Dominions
  • Purpose:
    • Represents divine authority, illumination, and leadership.
    • Associated with vitality, success, and cosmic order.
    • Often linked with the heavenly city of Jerusalem and the angels who maintain cosmic balance.

Fifth Heaven (Mathey or Machon)

  • Associated Planet: Mars (Ares)
  • Angelic Order: Virtues
  • Purpose:
    • A realm of strength, courage, and the resolution of conflict.
    • In some esoteric and apocryphal texts, it is also noted as the confinement area for fallen angels.
    • Represents transformation achieved through trials and the execution of divine justice.

Sixth Heaven (Zebul or Zebu)

  • Associated Planet: Jupiter (Zeus)
  • Angelic Order: Thrones
  • Purpose:
    • Embodies divine wisdom, justice, and prosperity.
    • Seen as a realm of spiritual abundance and angelic governance.
    • Invoked for fairness, success, and alignment with the universal laws of creation.

Seventh Heaven (Araboth or Aravot)

  • Associated Planet: Saturn (Cronus)
  • Angelic Order: Seraphim and Cherubim (the highest angelic orders)
  • Purpose:
    • The ultimate realm of divine presence, infinite light, and eternal truth.
    • Symbolizes the throne of God and the destination for those on the path of spiritual ascension.
    • Represents complete union with the divine.

Mentions in Key Texts and Traditions

  • Kabbalistic Texts:
    The Seven Heavens often correspond to the Sefirot on the Tree of Life, symbolizing the soul’s ascent toward the divine.
  • Islamic Cosmology:
    The Qur’an mentions the Seven Heavens, assigning distinct roles and inhabitants to each layer. The Prophet Muhammad’s Mi'raj (night journey) through these realms is a key narrative that underscores their spiritual significance.
  • Occult Grimoires (e.g., The Key of Solomon and The Picatrix):
    While the Key of Solomon may not detail the Seven Heavens explicitly, it does invoke their associated angelic rulers and planetary influences during ritualistic practices. The Picatrix, an influential Arabic grimoire, discusses the celestial spheres and their impacts on the material world, reflecting the underlying principles of the Seven Heavens.