Egypt - Heart Scarab Spell - Book of Dead

Egypt - Heart Scarab Spell - Book of Dead

The Heart Scarab Spell

Spell 30B from the Book of the Dead is one of the most significant and widely recognized chapters. It is commonly referred to as the Heart Scarab Spell, as it is closely associated with the placement of the heart scarab amulet on the mummy during the mummification process. This spell plays a critical role in ensuring the deceased’s success during the Weighing of the Heart Ceremony, a pivotal moment in the journey to the afterlife.

  • The spell prevents the deceased’s heart (ib) from testifying against them during the judgment process in the Hall of Ma’at.
  • The heart, seen as the seat of emotion, memory, and morality in ancient Egyptian belief, was thought to bear witness to the actions of the individual during their lifetime.
  • If the heart betrayed the deceased, it could result in a negative outcome, such as the soul being devoured by Ammit, the crocodile-headed goddess.
“O my heart which I had from my mother! O my heart of my different ages! Do not stand up as a witness against me, do not be opposed to me in the tribunal, do not be hostile to me in the presence of the Great God. May you not make my name stink before the entourage who create humans. Do not tell lies about me in the presence of the Great God. It is indeed good to hear!”